About Little Whipper Bakery

Our Story

It’s always fun to wonder how people come up with names for their children, cars, animals…and bakeries.

I was blessed to be a full time homemaker and stay at home mama for several years. I joined a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group at my church to help my sanity. We were asked to join in on a game where a beach ball that had several questions written on it was passed around and when it was your turn to catch the ball, wherever your thumb landed, that was the question to answer. The question read “if there was something you could have right now, what would it be?” I’ve always dreamt of owning a KitchenAid mixer. Finances never allowed for it and my arms did the job just fine. That following MOPS meeting, my mentor mama Judy approached me and asked me to meet her at her car after our meeting. She slowly pulled an old, white KitchenAid mixer out of her car and with tears in both our eyes she said, “My children are grown and my time with this mixer is done. I know you will put this to amazing use, for your family, for your people. It’s squeaky and it’s loud, but it does the job.” (Insert pause. Gotta wipe my face) As soon as I got home, I plugged in the mixer and it was perfect. The amount of memories this mixer carried and the potential for more. Little Whipper was born.

Markets and events are my favorite things to do.I love to meet new people. I crave community. Most importantly I love to see families faces light up when they bite into one of my delicious cookies! With each new customer I meet or the more I get to know about my present customers, the more I realize how small this world is becoming. The connection and family feel is real.

Customers are served with exceptional service from start to finish. You learn so much about someone just in one cake order. It’s an honor to be chosen to bake for anyone’s special occasion. You leave such a wonderful imprint which makes them want to come back for more.